Bambi Family Movie Night
The year 1942 brought us Disney’s Bambi. This classic animated Disney movie is a favorite of many, with it’s adorable characters and moments of humor. Now might be a great time to introduce you children to the movie with a…
The year 1942 brought us Disney’s Bambi. This classic animated Disney movie is a favorite of many, with it’s adorable characters and moments of humor. Now might be a great time to introduce you children to the movie with a…
Disney’s Fantasia is a classic movie that is very different from most of the other Disney animated movies. It’s not a traditional story. There aren’t traditional characters. But it is still a classic must-see movie. If your child enjoys Disney…
It turns out that 1940 was a big year for Disney animated movies. First with the release of Pinocchio and then Fantasia. Your child may not be as familiar with this classic because it is not a traditional fairy tale…
Frozen excitement continues, even years after the original movie! It’s always a great time to play a game that includes the characters from the movie. If your child enjoys memory games and loves free Disney printables, go ahead a grab…
Disney’s Frozen is as popular as ever. And now we have a sequel too! Young fans of the movie love talking about all of the characters and places related to the story. If your child loves fun Disney printables and…
The Norway pavilion in Epcot’s World Showcase is a favorite for many guests. The Frozen Ever After attraction and the Anna and Elsa meet and greet have made it a must-do for families with young children. But there is so…
World Showcase in Epcot is filled with amazing places to grab a drink. Not just during the Epcot International Food & Wine Festival, but everyday. As a coffee lover, I really enjoy the viking coffee that is available at the…